Marco F. Gallegos Calderón
Ingeniero Civil
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(56) 41 3111991
Académico, Contrata
Área de estudio: L3. Diseño y Desarrollo de Estructuras y Materiales Avanzados
Disciplina principal de su línea de investigación: Análisis de Riesgo de Sistemas Estructurales
Línea de investigación principal: Ingeniería Sísmica basada en Desempeño, Amenaza Sísmica; Respuesta de Sistemas Estructurales No-lineales; Sistemas de Protección Sísmica; Daño y Pérdidas en Componentes Estructurales y No-estructurales; Análisis de Ciclo de Vida
Últimas publicaciones UBB:
1) Guzman, C., Araya-Letelier, G., Astroza, R., Miranda, E., Gallegos, M.F. Out-of-plane monotonic testing and fragility function development of screw and adhesive connections of steel-framed gypsum-board panels. Engineering Structures, Volume 327, 2025, 119634, ISSN 0141-0296.
2) Martinez, I.; Gallegos, M.F.; Araya-Letelier, G.; Lopez-Garcia, D. Impact of Probabilistic Modeling Alternatives on the Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Dual Wall–Frame Buildings towards Resilient Designs. Sustainability 2024, 16, 1668.
3) Gallegos, M.F.; Araya-Letelier, G.; Lopez-Garcia, D.; Parra, P.F. Seismic collapse performance of high-rise RC dual system buildings in subduction zones, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 18, 2023, e02042, ISSN 2214-5095.
4) Gallegos, M.F.; Araya-Letelier, G.; Lopez-Garcia, D.; Parra, P.F. Collapse Assessment of Mid-Rise RC Dual Wall-Frame Buildings Subjected to Subduction Earthquakes. Buildings 2023, 13, 880.
5) Gallegos M.F., Araya-Letelier G., Lopez-Garcia D. Influence of statistical approaches on structural collapse potential assessment (2022). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, NCEE 2022.
6) Gallegos M.F., Araya-Letelier G., Lopez-Garcia D., Parra P.F. Comparative seismic collapse assessment of Chilean code-conforming RC dual wall-frame buildings (2022). 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, NCEE 2022.
7) Gallegos, M.F.; Nuñez, E.; Herrera, R. Numerical Study on Cyclic Response of End-Plate Biaxial Moment Connection in Box Columns. Metals 2020, 10, 523.
8) Saragoni G.R., Gallegos M.F. Evidence of two peaks response spectra (2PRS) due to separated effects of soil and source in recent subduction earthquakes (2019). Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, pp. 4848 - 4856.